Scholarship Program

The Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (WHSF) / Mexican Fiesta provides a cultural, educational and literary environment to enhance and open opportunities to improve academic success and quality of life of the Hispanic community while promoting a better understanding of the arts, history, literature, economic development, and perpetuation of Hispanic culture in the metro Milwaukee area, as well as throughout the state and the country.

WHSF/Mexican Fiesta works hard every year to accomplish our aim by hosting our annual fundraiser event, “Mexican Fiesta”, which has been held for the past 50 years at the Henry. W Maeir Festival Park every fourth weekend in August (22, 23 & 24, 2025).

This year the WHSF/Mexican Fiesta and LULAC Councils of Wisconsin 342 & 343 are working in collaboration to provide scholarships to deserving young Hispanic men and women that aspire to higher education. Thanks to this collaborative effort we have awarded more than $1,950,000. Our goal for this year is to empower a greater number of Hispanic students through our scholarship fund program. We are confident that we will achieve our goal with your support and the support of our partners and community because we all share the same vision, “Education is the key to the future”.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a Wisconsin resident.
  • Must have a minimum of 2.7 GPA

  • Must have applied to or be enrolled in a Wisconsin college/university.
  • Must be a full-time student. (12 credits or more)
  • Must complete a minimum of 20 hours volunteer service for the WHSF/Mexican Fiesta once approved as an scholarship recipient. (Dates and times are to be determined by the Committee)
  • Must be a minimum of 25 % of Hispanic descent.
  • College/University applicant must submit current official or unofficial transcripts.
  • High school seniors applicant must submit current official or unofficial transcripts and College/University acceptance letter.

  • Attend the Student Informational Forum Decisions of Today, Impact of Tomorrow (Not mandatory)

Application deadline MARCH 31, 2025