19.7% of adolescents and children in the U.S.—14.7 million individuals— have obesity.
Create & maximize public awareness of the devastating effects of obesity, diabetes, heart attack & stroke, especially in our state’s fastest-growing community. Secondly, encourage positive prevention strategies, especially those that enable families to lead a significantly better, healthy lifestyle.
All proceeds will benefit the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc., to empower young Hispanic men and women by providing education and scholarships
Fun Checkpoint along the island!
Date & Location
Sunday, August 25th, 2024
Summerfest Grounds | Lake Shore Park
Milwaukee, WI
Early Bird:
Registration is available from NOW until AUG. 1st 2024
Participant Medal / Una medalla de participante
One Fiesta Walk T-shirt / Una playera del evento
Mexican Fiesta Free Admission on Sunday, Aug. 25th, only while wearing an event T-shirt
Entrada gratuita a Mexican Fiesta únicamente el Domingo 25 de Agosto, usando la playera del evento
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
* Paid registration (T-Shirt and free items) must be picked up the day of the event.
Los artículos íncluidos con el registro pagado deben recogerse el día del evento.
* Registration items will be available until supplies last.
Artículos íncluidos con el registro estaran disponibles hasta agotar existencias.
Mexican Fiesta Free Admission on Sunday, Aug. 25th (Ticket will be provided at the registration table)
Entrada gratuita a Mexican Fiesta el Domingo 25 de Agosto (Boleto sera entregado en la mesa de registro)

All Fiesta Walk participants must enter through Gate 10 of the Summerfest grounds – Open from 8:00 am to 10:30 am.
Todos los participantes de la caminata deberán entrar por la puerta 10 de los terrenos de Summerfest – Abierta de las 8:00 am a las 10:30 am.
Age / Edad : All Ages / Para todas las edades
* Kids under 8 years old participate for free / Niños menores de 8 años participan gratis.
* Be there rain or shine / El evento se llevará a cabo llueva o haga sol.
* No refunds / No reembolsos | No backpacks / No se permiten mochilas
Event Sponsors